The Beauty of Essential Oils

With the end of the year stress approaching, we wanted to share ways to calm our inner-self.

With numerous ways to do so, we put together a guide to calming yourself with the sense of smell. Essential Oils happen to have so many kinds of blends for so many different feelings we want to capture. This makes them the incredible tool that they are.

When you want to feel a sense of calm:

Sage, Lemongrass, and Lavender oils will do the trick.

When you need the extra motivation to be rejuvenated, awake and ready for the day:

Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Ginger, and Orange will give you that feeling.

When you need help letting go and submerging into your dream state of sleep:

Lavender, Chamomile, and Bergamot will give you that peace of mind and ease.

Below will be a graphic that you are welcome to share with your world! Let us know of any recommendations you have to de-stress and just be.


Rejuvenating Nature


The Art of Working from Home