DIY Gratitude Branch


Attitude of gratitude for your holiday break!

Here is a fun and super-easy family project to bring out the mindfulness of your gratitude. It’s a great way to introduce the idea of thankfulness to kids and create a physical form that they can both relate to and have fun adding to all the holiday season.

Try this 3-Step Gratitude Branch:

Step 1: Enjoy a nature outing with the family and bring home a fallen branch.

Step 2: Display it where the whole family can see it often.

Step 3: Each day, as a family, write or draw about something you’re grateful for and hang it on the branch.

More ideas for your gratitude branch:

• Display in a jar, vase, or cup – feel free to decorate the holder! Place rocks, sand, or any small items to anchor the branch.

• Alternatively, hang the branch on a wall, or suspend from a ceiling or chandelier!

• Add personal photos of treasured moments or people.


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